In that last article, we looked upon the best oil and gas firms in the UAE. These were not just huge going by the massive revenue they make, but as per the number of employment opportunities offered to the talented as well. Talking about the UAE, emirates like Abu Dhabi and Dubai are simply stealing the show with economic developments equally robust and rapid.
One sector that has been on a definite high during the past 2-3 years is the tourism sector. Corporations may come and go, but the UAE never ceases to entice tourists to the wows of a truly Arabic experience at its exotic destinations. Substantially, spheres like hospitality are getting benefited from the same.
Hence, here are a few tips for all those who desire to work as a hotel manager with the flourishing hospitality sector in Abu Dhabi. Stay close and drop sufficient glances to get noticed by the best employers in this part of the world.
Learn How to Sell Yourself
Call it the frame of mind of all Emirati employers, but they firmly believe that every candidate can be competent at entry level tasks. However, one thing that sets them apart are the field pertinent skills and whether or not they know how to sell it in the field. You need to know what makes you different and worth bringing into the fold. It might be the travel experience you’re good with, or the right taste for global cuisines you got, what employers needs is a USP you can sell yourself and the brand with.
The same can also be inculcated through a clear vision you have for the field. Career avenues with leading hotel chains in Abu Dhabi are numerous, but there’s a dire need to be really clear on the long term objectives you’re holding with the sector here. Believe it or not, it’s quite a serious business behind the scenes in Abu Dhabi.
Research Well
It goes without saying, but employers in Abu Dhabi are quite specific about their growth plans and how far does a candidate comprehend with the same. Hence, read all that you can. Find more about the hotel owners, kinds of expansion plans they’re putting in perspective and the right way you can complement the same. Questions like, will this be the conference hub for various business delegates or a tourist spot simply?, help you streamline your efforts and be crystal clear on various job duties.
You can also find out about the various investments your hotel corporation is making/all set to make. Know what matters to the them and you’ll never have to make any special effort to understand their requirements.
Work on your Communication Skills
Well, not only is communication an indispensable part of this job role, but it is also one of the most significant skills a number of employers would be recruiting for in 2016. Not only does this press over your ability to be highly confident while interacting with clients, but your prowess to get tasks nipped in minimal time as well.
What you need is to build experience while having regular communications with your network in the sector. This way it also helps to work on your knowledge bank- a quality any hiring manger would eagerly look forward to.
Work on your Dress Sense
Many-a-times there are CEOs, businessmen and high positioned clients you are dealing with, while looking into your daily chores in Abu Dhabi hotels. What stands as a non-negotiable during these times is your dressing etiquette. Find out about the attire followed by officials in the corporation and be at your best presentation. There’s nothing more noticeable than the way you dress an present yourself. The hiring manager will definitely make sure that the brand isn’t hampered due to the lack of a proper presentation.
Tips are numerous to enlist. However, a hotel job in Abu Dhabi is all about being firm on the basics and customizing yourself with constantly changing work environments. Rest, the sector’s got immense in store for you!
Check latest hotel jobs in UAE.
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